ILDSA Swim Record

Oa Channel

This route is categorised as a Point A to Point B swim.
Between Isle of Islay (Scotland) and Northern Ireland

Route distance - 38.4 km

Relay swim by Oa Giants (Oa Channel)

Swimmers : Keith Garry, Christopher Judge, Dominic Mudge, John McElroy, Bill Donnelly, Colin Lindsay

Saturday 08 August 2020

1 way. Starting at Islay (55°34'14.2"N 6°16'17.7"W), ending at Ireland

Swim time 16:57:43

Observer(s)Jacqueline McClelland

Pilot(s)Pádraig Mallon

CrewMilo McCourt
Adrian Poucher

This swim has been ratified by ILDSA

Additional information about the swim

This is the first time this channel has been crossed.