ILDSA Swim Record

Relay swim by Team Davlum

Swimmers : David Teslík, Lumír Hlaváč

Thursday 7 September 2023

North Channel - 1 way.

This route is categorised as a Point A to Point B swim.

The North Channel route is recognised as a start and finish within Admiralty Chart 2198, Southern Part.

Route distance 35km

Started at (54° 38.196 N, 5° 31.704 W) at 4:53,
finished at Rocky Shore under Killintringan (54° 51.69 N, 5° 8.922 W) at 16:10

Swim time 11:17:24

This swim has been RATIFIED by the ILDSA

Observer(s)Ruth McComiskey

Pilot(s)Jack Boyle

CrewJennifer Fitzgerald, Alice Teslíková, Martin Dybal, Kamila Teslíková

Additional information about the swim