Since the foundation of the ILDSA, the administration of the association has always been reliant on a passionate group of volunteers committed to the growth of long distance swimming in Ireland. This is no different today than it was in 1966.

The current board and team have focused on some key areas over the last few years to continue all the great work done by those before them.

Areas of focus include the following:

  1. Creation of a database to hold ratified and recorded marathon swims completed in and around the island of Ireland, comprising both North Channel and non North Channel swims 
  2. Research and recording of historical swims completed in and around the island of Ireland
  3. Increase the profile of marathon swimming in Ireland through promotion of swims via social platforms
  4. Promote and encourage  swimmers to submit their marathon swims, completed in and around the island of Ireland, for ratification and recognition.
  5. Deliver an annual ILDSA awards event that celebrates the achievements of our marathon swimming community whilst also providing an opportunity to meet and be inspired by our peers for Irish swimmers in Ireland and abroad
  6. Build more user-friendly and efficient online solutions for ratification process and annual awards nominations and voting.
  7. Build an engaging and relevant ILDSA Website that provides up to date information for the marathon swimming community regarding North Channel swims, the Irish Triple Crown, Original Triple Crown, ratified swims and swim routes, the historical database, the annual awards – and more.

The ILDSA is always looking for individuals who have a passion for open water swimming to help in administration, social media, IT, GDPR, event management, ratification and so on. If you have some time you would be willing to give, we would love to hear from you – just drop a email to [email protected]

Current Board 2024 – 2027

Chairperson: Padraig Mallon

Vice Chairperson: David Conradie

Treasurer: Douglas Ribeiro

Secretary: Marie Watson

Recorder: Kevin Williams

Governance Management: Ger Devin, Frank Hallissey

Strategic Management: Annette Cullen

Systems Management: David Conradie

North Channel Liaison Officer: Jacqueline McClelland

Honorary President: Billy Wallace